Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The List: 16-18

16: Girls with Slingshots Another of those slice of life comics I love so much. Actually, the evolution of the art for this comic is interesting. Corsetto's gone from a more elaborate style, with softer curved lines, to a simpler, more angular style over the course of the comic. I kind of miss the old style, but I bet the new method's easier to get out on time. And this comic is definitely worth keeping up with, so anything that keeps the strips coming is fine by me!

17: Lackadaisy 1920's mobster kitty cats. It's exactly as adorable and wonderful as it sounds. Don't really have anything else to say, other than that it's a must read.

18: Punch an' Pie
More slice of life stuff! This one follows a tiny tiny woman trying to sort out life and love and all that. Written by Aeire, who previously did Queen of Wands(where Angela first appeared), and drawn by Chris Daily, who also does Striptease, which I already mentioned. It's pretty good, all in all, but right now it's stuck in one of those holding patterns that SoL comics tend to get caught in, where the plot just sort of idles a bit until everyone's lined up for the next big event.

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