Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The List: 4-6

4: Dresden Codak I swing back and forth on this one. The artwork is nice, and when he's on the writing is quite clever. Problem is, most of the time the writing seems to a thick coating of overeducation pasted across... nothing in particular. Lots of namedrops of writers and philosophers that don't actually provide anything to the strip. The comic is strongest when doing one-shots and poster-style strips, where the lack of any actual depth doesn't hurt it.

5: Flaky Pastry Pretty much just as much of a junkfood comic as it sounds. No depth, no coherent themes, and no apologies for it. Goblins, elves, catgirls, mad scientists, pretty much just running around and goofing off, and trying and failing to make out with each other. Occasionally a plot tries to sneak in, but hardly anyone pays it any serious attention. There's not a lot to talk about with this comic, but it's still a lot of fun. Also, nice fanservice.

6: Freefall Sort of a lightweight, comedic counterpart to Schlock Mercenary, in that it's not exactly hard scifi, but it takes its physics seriously. A story about an engineer who happens to be a wolf, an entrepreneur space captain who happens to be a horrifying squidlike monstrosity, and robots that think they're puppies. The plot is slow moving, but it's really just a gag comic anyway.

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